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25th April 2024 


Below is a list of books that can provide a useful introduction or complement to some of the areas counselling and psychotherapy address. The page will expand over time. Please check back for further suggestions.

A General Theory of Love - Thomas Lewis MD, Fari Amini MD and Richard Lannon MD. A highly readable and deeply human exploration of the psychobiology of love and relationship.

Love: A Somatic View - Stanley Keleman. A common misconception is that everyone experiences and expresses love in exactly the same way. Stanley Keleman is a pioneer in somatic therapy and the study of the body's connection to the sexual, emotional, psychological and imaginative aspects of human experience. Here, he illustrates how different constitutional types respond in relationship and manage emotion.

Learned Optimism - Martin Seligman. A classic from one of the pioneers of positive psychology, a new branch of psychology that has its roots in humanistic psychology.

The Artist's Way - Julia Cameron. Another classic, this time addressing creativity. Filled with insights into how we become creatively blocked and useful exercises to become unblocked.

The Call To Create - Linda Schierse Leonard. An exploration of creativity by a Jungian analyst who draws on myth to identify the different parts or characters within us that act either as saboteurs or as helpers on the creative path. Linda Schierse Leonard also examines the role of contact with nature in creativity and healing.